To ensure the safety of Foods introduced and sold in the market, strict guidelines are followed in manufacturing.
With the increasing testing requirement and frequencies, convenient solutions based on traditional method like 3M™ Petrifilm™ have generated interest globally for their easy-to-use feature and reliable results.
However, the 3M™ Petrifilm™ Film base is not a perfect solution but there are ways of improving the workflow like:
- Removed spreader usage: This product requires using a spreader to ensure that the sample is evenly distributed.
- Unreadable colonies: it is clear at times that colonies are smudge within the testing and render unreadable.
- Sample splashing: sample can at times splash outside of the testing area and onto the working bench.
- Traceability: the product can’t be easily distinguished from each other once on the table.
Food manufacturers are now looking for alternatives that can further improve their convenience.